
NEW FOR 2008
Raduga Version
3.9.5 Released
That's right, Raduga now does Video.
Perfect for Television, Cable-TV and ANY Video Situation. Our NEW Video
Plus Version 3.9.5 is currently only $899. More
Raduga is the Radio Automation Standard. It's perfect for all Commercial Stations, LPFM, Part-15, Internet Radio, and Clubs.
- Read what Bill Elliot of
3djs.com had to say about Raduga
What's New in Version 3.9.5
Listen to Raduga in action right Now,

Want to become a Reseller/Distributor of Raduga?
Let us know. Send us an email and let's discuss Raduga opportunities for
your Broadcast Business
Raduga Features DirectX Support allowing you to use third party plugins to enhance the sound of your station.
Keep your volume levels Equal. Try our Raduga AGC
Plug-in and other important Raduga utilities.
Raduga's NEW VIDEO Features
It's time to be excited. By popular demand we have just released our NEW
VIDEO PLUS Version of Raduga (version 3.9.5). Raduga now does all popular
formats of video with the same ease as you've experienced with our audio only
versions. As to what kind of video formats it can play, there is one
simple answer. If Windows Media Player can play it, so can Raduga 3.9.5!
It's so easy to set up. Simply install [2] separate video cards in your
system (the output video card to the secondary monitor must have an S-Video
output jack), fire up your PC and place Raduga Software in the Master monitor.
The first time you play a video a small video window will appear on your screen.
Simply drag it over to the secondary monitor and double-click its center.
The video window will appear full screen and stay that way. In between
videos, the background will stay black. You control the output video
monitor window via Raduga from the master screen. Composite
video output available via the S-Video output jack and a composite adaptor that usually comes
with most video cards. That's it!
New in Version 3.9.5
- Online Registration Bug Fixed
- Bugfix: Overlap with a previous audio file, video will not automatically
New in Version 3.9.4
Windows Vista style menus when running on Windows Vista
Windows Vista style Explorer tree
Full screen video and a licensable feature
Deactivate Playlist/Insert Jingle... if jingles are disabled
by license
Includes Juke 4.0
New keyboard shortcuts for Play Event (Shift+P), Skip Event
(Shift+N), Edit Jingles (J)
Password protections for the Enable Events and Skip Events
New in Version 3.93
- Support for continuous full-screen video playback and multiple monitors
- Fixed default Mixer application on Windows Vista
- Windows 98/ME are no longer supported
New in Version 3.9.2
- Password protection for scheduled events
- Dongle-driver for Windows Vista included
- Bugfix: FtpUpload add-in did not actually upload
- Include Juke 3.9
New in Version 3.9
- Add-in configuration dialog
- Scheduler configuration page
- Minimize to tray
- Option to remove position slider
- Large toolbar buttons with test (for touchscreen)
- Option to lock toolbars
- Redesigned Dialogs for Scheduled Events and Jingles
- Old pending events can be skipped on manual "Play" or "Next"
- Integrated Web Browser
- Digitally Signed Setup program
- Logging for Jingle Buttons
- System Requirements: Windows 2000. Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
or Windows Vista
- Hardware Requirements: Windows compatible sound card, otherwise
see operating system documentation
New in Version 3.8.7
- New scheduled events are set to once per hour and rounded up to 5 minutes
- Added scripts to change player mode
- Tooltip information is displayed in the Explorer view
- Display all DirectShow filters in use by double-click in the DirectX
plug-ins page (replaces DSPlay)
- Use the "Desktop" folder instead of "My Music" if the music folder is
- Includes Juke 3.8.7
- Bugfix: list of scheduled events did not look good on Windows 2000
- Bugfix: DirectX plug-ins did not work for WAV and WMA files
New in Version 3.8.5
- New menu item "Playlist|Insert
- Bugfix: jingles with
number in file name did not work
New in Version 3.8.4
New option "View|Keep Focus"
Help topic "How to ... Display Text Information"
Change file extension in "Save As" dialog according to file type
(.mpl, .rotation, etc.)
New in Version 3.8.3
Allow rotations and random tracks in jingles
Allow rotations and random tracks in mini-playlists
Added command Playlist | Insert Stop Command
Added keyboard shortcuts for "Playlist|Add Pause", laylist|Add Stop Command" and "Playlist|Insert Stop Command"
Digital clock is alway minimized
Correct seeking within VBR-encoded MP3 files
Fixed incompatibility with Windows Media Player 7
Includes Juke v3.8.3
New in Version 3.8.2
Fixed CD audio support (broken in 3.8)
Fixed video options (broken in 3.8.1)
Fixed online registration in Unicode build
Submit version info with online registration
Fixed MIDI (MCI) playback
Fixed Repeat mode if playlist contains only 1 item
Load .txt files that are stored as Unicode, otherwise assume the
character set of the language pack
Save/load .alb and .m3u playlists in character set of the language pack
Show station name after initial license activation
Includes Juke 3.6.7
New in Version 3.8.1
New in Version
New in Version 3.8
Updated online manual with all new features
Raduga now always uses the Fraunhofer MP3 decoder (if present)
to prevent problems with AudioCatalyst Xing MPEGPlayer
Always show the album name in the window title (not the current song)
Made Password protection a licensable feature
Show an information text on shutdown of the demo version
Don't redraw Explorer tree only if music directory hasn't changed
Remember the active page in the Options dialog when closed with OK
Support for special keys on Microsoft keyboards (Play/Pause, Stop, Next,
New keyboard shortcut F12 = File|Save As...
Removed Apply button in Options dialog
Scheduled events now play in order by time, independent of the order in the list
Added images for Play/Skip/Enable/Schedule events buttons
Launch the events dialog by double-click on upcoming events list
New look of the options dialog
Moved digital clock to extra toolbar
Show station name (registered company) in top toolbar
Restore toolbar positions after restart
Added icons for file types .txt .mp4 and .ogg
Added .ogg files to accepted media files, removed .m3u
Select current index when loading/saving .rotation and .pls files
Remember playlist position within .pls files
Bugfix: crash when double-click on top toolbar
Bugfix: input fields for hours of scheduled events
Scheduled events can be set to individual hours per day
New column "Hours" in event list
Added columns "Week Days" and "Expires" to event list
The music directory is not used as starting point for the "Add Songs" dialog
Updated Raduga SDK
Updated CurrentSong add-in
New FtpUpload add-in
Added menu item "View | Output Window"
When you run a .txt file from the playlist or scheduled event,
the file content appears in the output window.
Feature: select music directory as root for the Explorer tree
Bugfix: rotations not rotating properly
Bbugfix: playlists start with song #2
Scheduled events can be set to individual hours per day
Columns "Week Days", "Hours" and "Expires" to event list
Select music directory as root for the Explorer tree
Full screen mode
Manually start or skip pending events
Password protection for Options dialog
Import/export Windows Media Player playlists (*.wmp)
Show id3 tags and Windows Media meta data,
Configure display name,e.g. "$(Artist) - $(Title)"
Load multiple add-ins concurrently
Sort playlist by display name
Sort events by time, mode, display name
Context menu for event scheduler copy/paste/cut/delete
Multiple selection of events
Drag and drop of multiple events
Insert scheduled events at cursor (focus) position
Standard Features
- DirectX Support - allowing the use of third party enhancement plugins
- Easy to use and understand
- Uncluttered interface
- PC Based, Windows 98/98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP Compatible
- Supported Files Include Mp2 ,Mp3, WAV, WMA
- Support for MP3 Variable Bit Rate Format
- Full Automation or Live Assist
- Overlap (seguing, crossfading of songs) with any single soundcard
- Overlap (global and individual)
- 9 Instant Fire Hot Keys for assigning specific files, works like a cart machine
- Schedule Spots, Jingles, PSA's, Announcements, Programs to fire automatically at Exact times with our
Event Scheduler
- Scheduled Event Warning System
- Schedule Play/Stop Commands
- Drag and Drop compatible
- Built in Windows Explorer Tree
- Create and save Playlists
- Create and save Mini-Playlists (a playlist within a playlist, great for
- 6 different Play Modes including Normal, Manual, Repeat, Random, Shuffle and Intro Scan
- Silence Detection to Minimize On-Air System Failure
- Automatic Logging of Times and Play Sequence
- Independent Variable Overlapping for each song
- Multi-Language Support (Swedish, Dutch, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Spanish)
- Built-In Help System
- Schedule live events (great for satellite feeds) (type "120.live" as file name for 120 seconds live feed)
- Schedule Playlists
- Open Winamp Playlists (with .m3u extention) & PLS
- Menu item to enable/disable scheduled events
- Digital Clock (12 or 24 hour format at the click of your mouse)
- Event precision of 1 second
- Live event through a selected mixer line
- Shutdown confirmation (can be disabled in Options/General)
- Full-Screen Video
Raduga v3.8 will not run on Windows NT. For NT
users we can provide our v3.11 which will run properly on Windows NT.
Raduga v3.8 will run on Windows 98. However for
stability we recommend Windows 2000/XP platform.
Click for Raduga Pricing
Bill Elliot of
http://www.3DSJ.com , user of Raduga says "Raduga is 100% Reliable"
He goes on to say... Dear Bill Spry & Wolfgang Loch:
This message is long overdue, but I want you to know that my
internet radio station, www.3DSJ.com celebrated 1 year on the air,
January 18th. We run Raduga, or should I say your Raduga software
runs the station 24 hours a day and in the first year we have had
0 problems! You guys gave me what I wanted, 100% reliability,
simple to use, and inexpensive. I recommend your product highly.
Best regards and thanks.
Bill Elliott
www.3DSJ.com Bob
Kiser of Community Television in Milington, TN comments on Raduga's support...
A power surge burned
though our surge protection frying a power supply and hard drive on our
computer that ran Raduga radio automation software. A phone call to you
provided a link to download the software again. Thanks so much for the
quick response you provided. Such amazing service for a product purchased
years ago.
Raduga has operated our
cable radio station for several years now. It is so reliable, we take it
for granted. We add songs maybe once a month and walk away. Response has
been fantastic, we continue to get comments on our music and how it keeps
viewers on our station. That wouldn’t happen without the professional sound
Raduga provides. Thanks again for the outstanding service for a great
Bob Kiser
Community Television
Millington, Tennessee